Written critics: Exs type, strong bones, good bodyformat, nice head, good exp, coor dark eye, good lips, exs white bite, must be straited in topline, need more time for front dvelepment, good mov and coat, exs temp.
Written critics: Exs type, good size, lovely head, a bit short with a good volum muzzle, good neck, strong topline, corr tailset, abit long loin, enough frontchest, must be more paralelle in movment, exs coat.
Written critics: Exs type, coor size and body, nice head, good open eyes, typ exp, exs profile, good neck, typical topline, corr frontchest, a bit free in albues, good anguleted in behind, move well and good temp.
Written critics: Exs type, strong bones, nice head, corr exp, dark eyecolour, must be better bite, exs topline, corr angulation in bote side, good coat, lover prize cause bite atende to overshow, exs temp.
Written critics: Big, exs type, nice head, good skull, must have a bit more exp, good volum
muzzle, a bit long thung, a bit strong topline in mvment, need more angu in front, and better balanse. good coat and struktur. typ temp.
Written critics: Nice type, ecs bones, good body, middle size, exp head, bur abit short muzzle, exs volume muzzle, good topline must be better tailpossisjin in movment. enough angu in front, exs behund, corr coat, must have more temp.
Written critics: Exs type, srtong bones, compact body, nice head, corr skull and eye, a bit to mutsh lips, could be a bit softer neck, good topline, only a bit long in loin, nice coat good temp.
Written critics: Exs type and size, corr body, lovely head, probebly traum of right eye, strong muzzle, could be more elegant in lines, exs topline and movement, correct angy, nise temp, exs coat.
Written critics: Exs type and size, strong body, ecs volume body, lively head, corr stop, exs exp, good ear set, exs strong muzzle, good neck, enugh strong topline in movement, exs ribcage and angu in bougt side, corr coat.
Written critics: Exs type, corr size, nise head, good prop, typ exp, coul be more strait nose bridge and softer lips. good topline and ribcage, could be vider rear in movement, need a bit more movement, exs coat.
Written critics: Exs type in exs balanse, lovely head, good eyecolour and exp coor lips, exs neck and topline, corr ribcage, must be stronger in albuemov, exs rear movment, corr coat, exs temp.
Written critics: Exs type and size and bones, lovely head, corr lines and prop, enough strong muzzle, good topline, could be a bit more marked forchest, enough angulation i front, exs rear angul, nice temp, good movmet, good coat.
Written critics: Exs type, culd be a bit more compact in body, good bones, nise head with corr exp, gppd prop of skoll and muzzle, good lips, good neck, good topline, enough angul in front, exs behind, move god step exs coat.
Written critics: Exs type, medium size, good bones, nise head, corr prop and exp, must be
stronger in topline in movment, need a bit better balanse in front, a bit in overweight, i will se longer step in movment, nice temp.
Written critics: Exs type in good balance, strong bones, corr body, nice head whit good exp,
strong muzzle, long neck, exs topline, corr angul in bought side, good coat.
Written critics: Exs type, med size, nice head, corr exp, exs dark eye, good topline, must be stronger end more paralelle in front, exs rear movement and sidemove, corr type and coat.
Written critics: Feminin exs type and size, good bones, nise head, corr exp, exs eyecolour, enough strong muzzle, enough conturlips, good bodybalance, could be more paralelle i front, goood coat.
Written critics: Nice type, good size good bones, lovely head, exs in prop, good lips, could be longer sholderblade, good neck and topline, must be more paralelle in front move, move well, good tempcorr coat.
Written critics: Exs type whit good balanse, exs head, corr stop of skoll, corr nek, good
topline, and underline, move well with corr step, good coat today, good temp.
Written critics: Exs type, srtong bones, typ body, lovely head, must be a bit darker eye, good lips, exs topline instarting, enough strong in movement, exs angul, cuolf be
better movment, good coat.
Written critics: Exs type, a bit overweight, nice head, coor exp, exs prop, corr eye colour, exs neck, soft topline in movement, could be stronger front, oberangul behind, exs temp good coat.
Written critics: Almoust 8year, beautifil condisjon, corr bodt, stronf bones, nice head with good prop, enough marked lips, a bit down nosebridge, exs neck and topline, good angul in front, a bit overangul behind, good temp and movment.